- All Aluminum Conductor:-
- We adopt aluminum conductor due to high cost of copper conductor.
- Cross section area of the aluminum conductor is 60% greater than that of copper.
- The weight of aluminum conductor is 48.3% of that of copper conductor.
- Handling , transportation, and erection is economical.
- Reduced corona effect due to high diameter of conductor.
- Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced:-
- Conductor made of all aluminum are not sufficiently strong mechanically for construction of span lines.
- The important advantages ASCR conductors are high tensile strength and line weight.
- The sag is small and the line can be designed with shorter supports or longer spans for a given sag.
- Smooth Body ACSR Conductor:-
- A smooth body ACSR conductor is also called compacted ACSR.
- In the condition of same aluminum area the diameter o f the steel core can be increased to increase the mechanical strength.
- Expanded ACSR Conductor:-
- A plastic or fibrous material is introduced between the steel core and aluminum strands to make the diameter of conductor large to reduce corona loss and radio interference at EHV.
- All Aluminum Alloy Conductor:-
- They provide a good combination of tensile strength and conductivity.
- One these alloy is “Silmalec” which contains 0.5% magnesium and the reminder aluminum.
- The electrical conductivity is 53.5% of the international annealed copper standard and the ultimate strength is 30 kg f/mm^2.