UN Human Rights

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UN human rights expert Juan E. Méndez today called on the Brazilian federal and state authorities to urgently address the issue of prison overcrowding in the country and show “genuine commitment to implement measures against torture.” http://sm.ohchr.org/1Mosf3M

Mr. Méndez's call comes at the end of 12-day official visit to Brazil, where he conducted unannounced visits to places of detention such as police stations, pre-trial facilities, penitentiaries, juvenile detention centers, as well as mental health institutions.

“Many of the facilities visited are severely overcrowded – in some instances close to three times their actual capacity,” the UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment said. “This leads to chaotic conditions inside the facilities, and greatly impacts on the living conditions of inmates and their access to legal defense, health care, psycho-social support, work and education opportunities, as well as sun, fresh air and recreation.”

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