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UN human rights experts today urged the Iranian Government to immediately release the Washington Post’s correspondent in Tehran, Jason Rezaian, who now awaits verdict after his fourth and possible final hearing . http://sm.ohchr.org/1EsplVr

“The arrest, detention and secret trial of Mr. Rezaian violate his rights and intimidate all those working in the media in Iran,” said the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye. “His continued detention violates basic rules that not only aim to protect journalists, bloggers, human rights activists and others but to guarantee everyone’s right to information.”

“Mr. Rezaian seems to have been detained for the simple fact of having exercised his rights to freedom of expression, association and political participation,” said human rights expert Seong-Phil Hong, who currently heads the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. “His rights to legal counsel of his choice and to due process of law seem to have been forgotten.”

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