Underarm Whitening Tips and Crotch Naturally

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Armpits and groin foot is a very easy blackened. Why so? Because the part was always damp and even rarely maintained. Gini aja aja deh imagine for a woman you definitely do not want to have my flaws. Although humans are full of flaws but as much as possible you need to cover it up and make excess. Just like the ad - an ad for underarm whitening products we can also get the same results by using the materials - natural materials of course. Do not believe? yukk immediately wrote ketipsnya.




1. Lemon and Lime Lemon and Lime is very helpful in skin bleaching process, is not only effective for the skin, but it can also make the skin white tablets armpits and groin. How easy really cuman stay diolesin wrote to the thigh, armpit same over time will definitely be white

.2. Milk and Yogurt

     Milk and yogurt's good for skin health, could dibayanginkan if we could milk bath menghilanhkan black spots due to irritation. In addition to making us become whiter underarms can also help keep the skin soft and supple.

3. Turmeric

     Turmeric is very good to eat because of good for health. Spice this one is also used as a cure wounds, can reduce irritation to the skin and make skin brighter.

4. Cucumber

     If this does ang has not undoubtedly. It was easy to come by dimanapu, used for supplementary food salad. Because the famous cucumber is great usefulness to whiten the skin blackened wherever we can immediately shove and menempelkankan in the groin and armpit.


5. Toothpaste

     Turns out dentifrice can also whiten also tablets, can remove dead skin cells, but this is only used on the armpit or on a groin afraid it'll actually hot taste. It's easy once quite apply toothpaste taste in the armpit and let sit and then rinse with water.

6. Coconut Oil

     Coconut oil is very rich in content that contains vitamin E, With rub it on the blackened part definitely be back white glow slowly. We just need to rub and let sit for a few minutes.
7. Baking Soda
    I just know it turns backing soda tablets many benefits, can redden the lips, teeth whitening and now whiten armpits and groin can too. how cuman live mix baking soda with a little water and apply on the black. Not too much, do not leave it too long and do not do this too often yaa.

8. Papaya

Use papaya that is still not fully ripe, mashed Blender or you can then put on the blackened part. Papaya have a lot of good for the skin is also good for skin whitening.

9. Potatoes

Grated potato able to eradicate all stain and black spots which exist in the crotch and armpits. Enough blender or grated and paste for a few minutes. do it Utin sure you will get amazing results

10. Kapur Sirih

Use capuran whiting and lime or lemon. Apply on the desired part. especially in the crotch. Once dries quickly to wash using warm water

11. Stone Tawas

You do not know alum stone? alum stone can be found in the market. alum stone can be used to lighten dark skin due to irritation. The trick lace alum stone in warm water and let stand until the stone tawasnya disappeared and mixed with water immediately afterwards olehkan in the armpit or groin. alum stone is also able to reduce the odor kerinngat loh

12. Olive Oil

Olive oil is also believed to cure various skin problems, and therefore a lot of products that rely on olive oil as the main ingredient for cosmetics.

13. Rice flour

Citric acid is able to remove the black stains and brighten the skin. how pretty mix vinegar ang contains citric acid made with rice flour as an ingredient scrub that can make follow exfoliate dead selkulit

14. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is one of the ingredients used for cooking, nah sandalwood can be used for the armpits and groin we just need to buy sandalwood powder already.

15. Orange Peel

Orange is not only rich in vitamin C, it turns out kulitnyapun rich in antioxidants that can bleach irritated skin. Caranyapun very easy you just grate the orange peel and put it on the armpits

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Hello,my name is Gungputri I love to learn some thing new in my life to get more experiences

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