Understanding Women

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Is really hard to understand women?

Its always mentioned that women are complicated. Its not easy to understand and deal with them. There is this picture on the internet that portraying that you need to read a foot thick book to be able to understand women.

I always read something on the internet about women being hard to understand especially when it comes to their relationships. Being the cause of breaking up the relationship due their complicated and sometimes unexplainable attitude.

As a married woman, I keep thinking and asking myself if that's really true? Is it really hard to understand that a woman needs attention, love, care, respect and more of understanding from their man? Because that's what all I need from my husband.

Maybe we do it in different ways like talking indirect to the point or going around circles, sudden change of moods like more of just implying without saying it directly what we want from our man that makes it complicated. But in the end, we all do those complicated and hard to understand things because we need love, care, respect and MORE OF UNDERSTANDING from the man we love.

I know the fact that women are not all the same and some wants more of material things than what I mentioned above but I am sure most of women are not like that.

Now, is it really hard to understand women when women only needs understanding?

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