University Recommencement in Afghanistan with Opportunities and Challenges

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Since the recent government in Afghanistan, universities have made a remarkable progress in recruiting students, providing them with higher education at a variety of fields of study. This became possible both by the educational services given by the government and by a temperate enthusiasm from part of students who, since this opportunity, cordially rushed educational institutes with the intention of building a bright future for their country and, consequently, for themselves. This takes place annually.
The educational year of 1392 commenced with opportunities for afghan students. Like every year, a large number of new students, who have successfully passed the university entrance exam, have been recruited to institutions of higher education all over the country. This gives hope and optimism for all Afghans. At this instant, Afghans, who are suffering a postwar period and experiencing a to-be-filled gap in development, feel a fundamental need to education and schooling. A warm passion from part of afghan youth will make it possible for Afghanistan to have brilliant scholars and hardworking scientists in the years ahead, by the grace of whom the goal will be achieved. Under a relative peaceful environment and calm atmosphere, students are working hard to make the use of provided opportunities the best, acting upon what they are supposed to and what their antecedents were supposed to.
More to the point, public opinion is being upgraded and, thus, the number of families who take the children to schools is overwhelming. Fortunately, there is an unprecedented possibility for female sex to be educated as well as male sex. Being enlightened by the present global ambiance and the help of international community, the majority of Afghans are now renouncing misleading notions and giving up erroneous believes. They are convinced that girls have the right to be provided with which the boys are provided, and this includes the right to study. They are helping build their future and the future of their children.
On the other hand, let’s not forget, students are noticing many challenges on their way forward: some must work to feed their families, some who inhabit remote places are not provided with educational services, and many cannot afford studying expenses. These challenges must be confronted. Giving a 30-year period of war, all infrastructures are collapsed: economy has fallen down, poverty is oppressing, and unemployment is bothering people. Firstly, quite a lot of teenagers are undergoing child labor. They must work to feed their families; they cannot go to school. Underage marriage is also an obstacle for youth to study, making them work. Secondly, some students come from isolated provinces in which educational facilities are rare. They take risks to leave their families and to travel unsafe routes all the way to large cities. Lastly, the bulk of the students cannot pay for its expanses. These minimize their chances to study. In a word, for afghan students to study, they must tackle many challenges.
In brief, afghan students have many problems to face as well as opportunities to make use of. Given the commencement of the New Year, let's clinch our determinations to use the opportunities to tackle the problems. We all have a common duty to fulfill: we have a common land and a common interest; thus we should have a common goal. Our students of today are our scholars of tomorrow. For the sake of prosperity must we appreciate this moment.

About the author


Abdullah Seddiqy is a junior of law and politics in Herat University. He was born in July 1991 in Farah, Afghanistan. In 1998 and at the age of seven, he enrolled in the local elementary school. In 2002 he move to Herat and is living there since then. Since has…

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