UPDATE 2 : We are currently considering another change : instead of deleting balance (after moving some funds to rental balance as explained above) we could create a pending balance where all remaining % will go in it. Each time Paypal will release some funds we will let part of this balance be available to purchase something in LB or to request a payment
We would like to tell that we are sorry that we closed the forum for few days, it was a bad call from us and we noticed a large amount of new disputes in Paypal.
We will delete all topics and posts (in the next hours) in "Bug Reports" section and "Problems and doubts" section as well.
In the last days we noticed a lot of spam and support requests where the answer is already in our news.
We received an answer from Paypal :
Some funds will be released 30 days after the last dispute so not for now as we are receiving disputes every day.
To survive in this dark period we need to do some changes but we wanted to have your feedback before. This is what we are planning to do :
- Convert 10% of your total rented referrals number into new rented referrals for a period of 60 days then we will add 0.05$/rented referrals into your rented balance.
(Example you have 1000 rented referrals, you will have 100 rented referrals paid for 60 days, and 0.05$x900 into your rental balance)
- Current Rental's balance : You will keep 20% of the current amount you have in your rental balance. 15% will go in ad balance. The rest will be erased.
(Example : You currently have 100$ in your current rental's balance, you will keep 20$ in it. 15$ will go to ad balance. The 65$ remaining will be deleted)
- Convert 20% of your current main balance balance to your rental balance and 15% to ad balance (to buy advertising credits in LittleBux) the rest will be deleted.
(Example you have 100$ in your main balance, 20$ will go to rental balance and 15$ to ad balance, remaining 65$ will be deleted)
- About pending payments : 20% will go to rental balance and 20% to ad balance.
(Example : If you have 100$ in pending cashouts you will get 20$ to your rental balance and 20$ to your ad balance, remaining 60$ will be deleted)
All upgraded members will keep their status. We will not change anything about that.
Paypal will be removed from purchases this afternoon.
We will lower the minimum deposit from payza to 2$.
We have to take some measures to keep Littlebux and we cannot do that with no deleted some money into accounts sadly... As we don't know when paypal will release funds as it's up to you...
We have around 35000 active members in LittleBux imagine if each of you make a purchase of 1$ using Payza we will get 35000$ just today...
If you are doing this transaction each month we will get at least 35000$ in sales each month.
We can do many things with this kind of money.
We will only accept Payza for purchases and cashouts. We wanted to add Neteller but their commercial department is unresponsive.
Regarding payments, we will also diable cashout request in a few hours when we will implent the changes (if we receive a good feedback from you) and reactivate them after we updated all accounts)
The new payment terms will be 10 business days and should be reduced within two months.
We need your support in this so please use Payza to make a purchase and deposit some funds into Littlebux to rent or advertise to help us in sales.
By the way please signup to the websites which are being advertised in view ad section because we need good conversions to get more advertisers