Hello everyone. Just a few updates.
The handmade flowers that have arrived will now be arranged and put into a suitable display to hold them in place. The list of donors will be added to the displays also. We have decided to take this lovely display to Visit Michael's family home in Gary Indiana as the Jackson Family will be there for their Annual event. We will then gather up the displays and have them shipped overnight to some representatives IN LA that will set up the display at Forest Lawn. Thank you for your kind donations and thank you for sponsoring the flowers. The money raised has gone towards the Sunflower playground project. This is a chance for anyone that would like to offer help to donate as soon as possible so that the school and playground can be ready for Michael's Birthday. There are numerous ways you can now donate with out PayPal or bank transfer. please check out the MDF Donate Page and choose an option. Can we raise $1,500.00 today?