Updates on Your BuzzScore and the NEW Subscription Button

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Hi everyone!

We recently made some changes to the BuzzScore, the Film Annex tool that measures your content's influence on your fans and followers around the web! From now on, the number of followers you have, meaning the number of people who subscribe to your profile and channel, will make 10% of your score! Here is the new breakdown. Take a look to see how much your activity on specific social media platforms affect your score and consequently, your revenues!

How much you SHARE:

The numbers below are about how much you share your and others' content by using the social media buttons we have on Film Annex. For example, you can share a movie you like or a blog post by clicking on the LinkedIn or the Twitter button on that blog's or movie's page. In that case:

Tumblr = 9%
Facebook = 4.5%
Twitter = 4.5%
Google+ = 4.5%
LinkedIn = 18%

How much you INFLUENCE:

45% of your BuzzScore is made of the total likes your content receives. So it's about how much other people like and share your content via using the social media buttons on Film Annex.

10% of your BuzzScore is made of the number of followers/subscribers you have.

What does all this mean?

The new subscription button we added to your Web TV as well as underneath your blog posts will enable users to follow your content more easily. Every time you post a new video or a blog, your followers will get a notification in the mailbox from Film Annex telling them to check out your new addition. The more followers/subscribers you have, the higher your score gets and the more revenues your channel generates.

As far as the social media breakdown goes, LinkedIn still acts as the key influencer, meaning sharing your content on LinkedIn has more value than sharing on any of the other social media platforms. However, we do recommend that you share your (and others') content on all the social media platforms connected to Film Annex as you will reach difference audiences on each one!

Please email Eren at eg@filmannex.com if you have any questions in regards to your BuzzScore.

About the author


bitLanders is a digital platform whose entire user base earns bitcoin for their content and social activity. The goal of bitLanders is to promote worldwide access to the genius of Blockchain technology in a fun, unique, and safe environment. bitLanders users build and engage content (videos, blogs, photos, advertisements). The…

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