Used Cigarettes Butt as storage of energy

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in our earth there's 5.6 trillion butt of cigarettes waste thrown everyday estimatedly 766,571 metric tons of waste and because of this issue experts decided to study how can this large count of waste be usefull to us and they use it as material that can cover electrodes of supercapacitors -- kind of electro chemical components for storing big amount of energy.

if this studies be successfull this tons of waste material can be be used in some power machines ranging from cellphones and computers to EVs and wind turbine

The supercapacitors stores energy using electrical charges rather than chemical reactions like batteries it means it can charge and discharge fast but it size is big so i cannot be use in small gadgets. experts are always find ways to make an effective supercapacitors

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Im a Blogger and Web designer also Graphic artist

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