War in Afghanistan

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As for as I know, Afghanistan is War-torn country and the war continued in Afghanistan. After leaving the Soviet Union (Russia Army) from Afghanistan in 1989, the government fell to the Mujahedeen in 1992. After that, the various disputes between the Mujahedeen of the ability to take control of their own hand in the wars that lasted for years.

In 1996, the Taliban Islamic movement, which was formed in 1994 and captured Kabul. And more than 90% of the country was under the control of a small area in the north-eastern end of the civil war between the mujahedeen and the mujahedeen had started again by the Taliban government in Afghanistan. However, this year, the international community, including America, stating that the Taliban were a source of stability to the war-torn country is taking control.

Extremists against Islamic law and refusing to negotiate with the enemy soon violated the letter. In 1996, Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and they were used as the center of their operations. However, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan for the military, training soldiers, arms sales, coordination with other "jihadists" and his terrorist plans to use for new projects.

About a month after the fall of the Taliban regime and Hamid Karzai came to power with the Bonn conference on Afghanistan's presidential election, was elected to the presidency. I pray to Allah to bring peace in all over the Afghanistan. 


Writer"Riffat" 30.2.2013

About the author


BBA graduated from Maryam University working as procurement specialist in procurement policy unite of MOF.

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