Water in plastic bottles health risks

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Research has shown that bottled water hides traces of bacteria, fluoride, chemicals.
Sales of bottled water description often uses words fresh, untouched, natural, albeit hidden information about the true quality of such water. However, due to frequent problems with pollution in the past few years has had more than a hundred cases of bottled water removal from the market.

Unlike tap water which tested hundreds of times a day and who is under the constant supervision of the manufacturer of water bottles are not required to provide information about its quality. The bottled water market is not regulated, and the FDA has no jurisdiction over either which is why the public is not familiar with the data sources and ways of producing such water.

Risks that lie behind the consumption of bottled water are beyond its practical side.

According to the working group on the environment, the annual production of bottled water are needed so as oils are needed to fill the fuel tanks of a million automobile. When it comes to the hands of consumers, only one of the five bottles recycled even more so polluted environment.

Research has shown that bottled water hides traces of bacteria, fluoride, chemicals, followed koha.net. Whatever be sterile filling process water, as it is stored in plastic which keeps odors and bacteria smoothly, bottled water is never clean enough.


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