Michael's Dream Foundation needs your support. Throughout the past few years we have all come together to produce small projects while keeping Michael's biggest dream in the forefront of our hearts. We cannot move ahead too fast as we need donations to take each step.
You will notice we offer promotions, raffles and our own merchandise in order to grow the funds needed. We also have a Busy Bee Corner on our website that will give you idea's on how to fund raise and make items to sell. It all lies within you and me to help.
The love and support is outstanding for MDF and we know because we grow by the thousands each month We grew by almost 500 likes this week alone. Can you help us take the next step.
Can you help us reach the first goal needed to get an assessment done for the hospital Michael was born in. We all need to know if this is indeed possible and we cannot know until we get an assessment done. Building a hospital is not that simple, we have to do everything carefully and accordingly. Please donate today or when possible and consider doing a fundraising event to help Michael's Dream.
Currently we have a pair of Dream Bee mugs to raffle and a book promotion by the author Dennis H Christen who has kindly offered 50% of all sales to go to Michael's dream Foundation. http://
We need your support!
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