“WE SPEAK HERE” Film Festival

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“WE SPEAK HERE” Film Festival CALL FOR ENTRIES | June 2012

WHAT IS “WE SPEAK, HERE” : An event which aspires to bring an intimate view from life of another fellow being, reflecting our own challenges and opportunities for individual transformation - revealing underlying light & shadows of our present existence, and exploring life’s purpose leading to future. Share those stories that moved you and helped you discover views into life of human existence. Enable those life stories to reach global audiences and allow them to reward you for your contribution to their quest in life, with your art of story sharing.

To submit your film, please go through the following information:


1) Films on: The beauty & challenge within and its extension into personal relationships; Present viewpoints/values on intimacy, relationships, family structures and new ideas/visions about its evolutionary future; Documented case- studies of expressive art therapy; Individual's bio-psycho-spiritual health challenges (life experienced through or above it) and stories of recoveries, transformation, transcendence.

2) Any form: Films of any length (shorts and features).

3) Film projects that are open to non-exclusive distribution (online/webcast, worldwide).

4) Films which are in English or suitably sub-titled in English (films originally produced in regional languages are welcome). Multiple submissions are welcome.

5) Entries for selection are requested to be sent in DVD format only. Due to the volume of entries, the festival will not be able to return the submitted DVDs. To facilitate customs procedures, the entry package from overseas should be labeled "Only for cultural purpose, no commercial value."

6) For festival participation, films must fit the festival theme and criteria.

7) All films rewarded by the audience are showcased under 'Previous Winners' section of the site. A winning film can be removed upon request after a minimum of two years since the date of winning. As the festival is bound to follow international fund transfer formalities, all requested documents for reward remittance clearance will need to be furnished by all winning films.


Please fill the form at www.cultureunplugged.com/festival/submit.php and mail the DVD.


PEOPLE'S CHOICE (Most Viewed):

POPULAR (Runner Up) :

PRAISED (Second Runner Up) :


FILM-MAKER'S CHOICE (Conscious Art) :


Submission Date: To participate in this festival, please send the DVD latest by 7th MAY, 2012.
You can also send it later than the above-mentioned date, to participate in future festivals.

FESTIVAL VENUE: www.cultureunplugged.com
(At present, this venue is running the film festival: Spirit Enlightened - the festival to explore the spirit, the consciousness, the divine - the creative and healing journey of human soul)

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