What do you want from #life? Let the greedy come out of you, why hide it? Do you want to be a Billionaire? Do you want Power? What is it that will top everything off beyond your dreams?
Do you have a clear vision of the house you want? Let's furnish it from the light bulbs that to the extraordinary furniture you will put in your perfect house. Will you have a swimming pool and 5 car garage? How many bathrooms and bedrooms will you have?
A game and movie room is a must! Pool table bar...I'm thinking now of something no one does a small swimming pool in the bedroom as well. What you think?
I'm thinking of neutral colors beige, light grays with some crazy black and red walls as well. What about you? Please don't say everything is white...nah, if that's what you like so be it.
You want a long drive way or shorter one? I like the long one with people able to park many cars in one section so that others can get out.
I would like my rig shape like a tree as real as possible that is also a two story frig that leads into the master bedroom basically an elevator refrigerator.
Do you see what I have just done here? I took my visions and made them real down to the very silverware...as I'm doing this I never think of I can't get it. I get into it so deep that I can seemingly feel the air condition and with my mind's eye walk over to turn it off.
No negative thoughts of others or myself when I go deep enough! Next thing you know I'm buying the fancy silverware from money that pop up from nowhere...
The mind is incredible! When you go deep on your thoughts you will fill the stimulation, the power...if you get this try it and see what happens if not sorry to waste your time.