What I Learned From My First Blog

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I'm sure you are familiar with Nike. And if you are I'm sure that you are familiar with Nike's award-winning catch phrase that has been around since before I've been born, "Just Do It." Being in the digital marketing and SEO space for a good chunk of my post-college life I'm amazed at how three words can basically sum up entire books of advice and self-help. It's not nearly as sugar coated as other sagely wisdom, but its direct, and I appreciate that. Just do it.  

This was the mentality with my first blog. It was called Gil Is Munny and hosted at www.gilismunny.com - It was a videogame blog that I wanted to write with my friends. It acted as a catalyst in College to get me into writing and to start networking with business professionals and other "journalists."

We hosted it on Wordpress.org and bought a theme for $20. We googled how to use Wordpress and watched YouTube tutorials. Friends I knew in IT didn't know anything about social media or SEO, but knew programming, and they were fundamentally useless helping me. They were too smart.

The goal was to write one article a day, but I never cared too much into content. I just wanted people to see there was activity. That was a mistake. I didn't care what I was typing about. it became relevant quickly and I was just another drone in a sea of crappy blogs.

Once we focused on content we didn't have time or energy for marketing. What's the use of creating all this great content if nobody is going to see it? So we started to learn and embrace social media. Things took a turn here because I fell in love with the celebrity of it. I wanted to be known on this space. I wanted to become a juggernaut here. 

Later I would start multiple blogs and work at agencies. The blog still went strong, but not nearly as much. I learned here that in order for any blog to be relatively successful you have to give 110% into it. You can't just spew crap and blast it to social without any intent of sharing other peoples work. You need to care.

I fell in love with the technology more than the videogame content. I abandoned it after three years. SInce then I created Social Marvels and Fight For The Encore. They're just Wordpress websites, but they're great landmarks for me. I'm not a developer. They're content platforms near and dear to my heart.

Now I'm here on Film Annex where content is king. You are rewarded for content. You don't need to worry about the technology. You can market it through them and through yourself. You're even paid. They made it quite easy for anyone, but that's not why I'm here.

I'm here because I'm an artist. I'm here because I like writing and using technology to evolve my personality. I'm pretty damn solid at SEO and social media. I enjoy them. I'm passionate about them. They can create the new Da Vinci of a generation. They can abolish a government. They can push for change.

You just have to do it.

About the author


My name is Schmax. I'm a friend here at @Bitlanders and a writer living in New York. Lets be friends.

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