What i Learned (Part 2)- A Crewing Blog

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So My practical learning process has been well logged, at least I hope so.

But now I'll look at my more spiritual journey, a pretentious term if you will, but I think relevant, especially in a university degree, which I am doing at the moment and it is not only the practical that you have to learn.  

What I have learned more than anything else was working with others and communication skills. I have often struggled with that kind of thing but  I made a effort to go out and talk to people and I talked to every one on the set, from director to fellow runners, to almost everyone in the post room.

Its been the story of the year for me really, going out and talking to people, its been the same throughout the module that this Blog is for. I've had interviews and face to face meetings. I've actually learned a lot, from what I did, most anyway.

Thanks for reading, And I'm sure I'll see you again 

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