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Mawlid (milad-un-nabi) is where muslims across the universe commemorate the birthday of their prophet muhammad(pbuh) which takes place in the month of rabi -ul-awal which is the 3rd month on the islamic calender. Celebrations are held throughout the muslim world. Passagers from the qur'an are recited along with poetry & lots of darood which is sending abundance peace & blessings of allah on our prophet.

Meals & sweets are also distributed as a sign of joy & happiness.The prophets birthday was first observed in Makkah in the 11th century. By the 12th century the celebration culture spread worldwide, officially having a holiday especially for the day.


Mawlid is often commemorated with public processions, banners are made, homes, mosques and official buildings are decorated.
People are encouraged to reconnect with their prophet & his message. Believers wear their finest clothes to attend the gatherings.


Although this occassion is widely observed,there is some controversy as to whether it is a genuin islamic celabration. Some followers believe it should be celebrated,some believe it shouldnt be because our prophet ( pbuh) did not celebrate these kinds of days. For this particular reason scholars from countries such as saudia Arabia aswell as India forbid the festival.

However across the world there are many muslim scholars who support mawlid on the basis it brings people closer to the roots of their faith. They claim that the celebrations should be encouraged as a spiritual uplifting.......

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