What kind of you want to chose to earn money for yourself.

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There are four ways of earning in the world

1. Employement:

In this way you can earn money by doing job in any firm. You are time restricted and your income will also limited. You must accept th order of your boss. you are area restricted

2. Self Employment.

In this way you have to work for yourself. your income is greater than an employee but you are area restricted and have limited income

3. Business houner

In this way other people work for you. you have and asset and your income will be unlimited and you are not area resisted.

4. Investment

In this way your money work for you and you earn passively by your money.you enjoy unlimited income and you are not area resisted .



Question for you

what kind of you want to chose to earn money for yourself.

About the author


I am a presenter in a multinational company. I want to be a successful person and try to help others success.

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