What Technology Does in social life

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Technology means technical advancement or in other words industrialism. The modern era is an era of technology . It has given birth to an entirely new type of culture and civilization . To have a true idea about the nature of the change of life and civilization , We must look to the end of the 18th century. The whole notion of an advancing civilization is quite recent . It come in with the machines and education. Technology has brought about a change in all spears of society.
The very idea of man has undergone a change under the influence of machines. Previously man was thought to be a weak creature .He suffered from ignorance and superstition. Now he is all powerful. He has mastered the forces of nature and has landed on the moon. Formerly man was a thoughtful being. Now he is an active being of man . There has taken place decline of attention.

Technology has also brought about a change in our out look towards life. People have grown materialistic . Wealth and competition are the centers of their attention. Tolerance good temper and sympathy have been put aside as things of the past . Individualism and selfishness are the order of the day . We feel lonely in crowds. Good values of life and moral principles are not given so much importance as in the past.There has occurred many changes in our social life also . People have grown richer than before . The new industrialized nations have made so much money that they can afford roads, schools, hospitals and other expensive services. Gousing and sanitation have been transformed Famine and plague have disappeared . This has been possible through increased production and rapid means of communication production society .

There is no longer the simple and peaceful life of the villages. Peace and calm of village life has been replaced by the rush and hurry of town life .There is life now easier and more comfortable.

The economic field is no exception .This aspect of society has shown the greatest possible change . A large number of factories have emerged . They attract the people from the villages to the town. Feudalism has given place to capitalism . Society has been divided into tow classes, the rich and the poor . This have paved the way for strife between these classes . Keen competition , search for new material m the struggle to capture markets for goods have all brought about jealousies among the nations. Machines have dealt a blow to handicrafts and cottage consequences of technology on a large scale. Trade unions strikes and lock outs are also very common these days.
The conclusion of above said discussion is that technology has totally changed our life


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