What you think? Marijuana Legalization.

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What is your opinion about Marijuana LEGALIZATION? Personally I've smoked Marijuana many times during my high school days, but Part of me says to allow it and then there is another part that isn't sure about it.

Just like alcohol, if people could use it responsibly then I think it would be alright. The problem comes with the percentage of people that do not. Is it worth it to be legalize, when there are so many possibilities of bad things coming from it? 

There are so many good things that can come from legalizing Marijuana though. But if Marijuana will be legalize I think they should make laws and exceptions to those who can't and can buy it. Because if not, then there might be more crimes that happens if it is legalized.



About the author


I Elemar 22 years old a registered NURSE and Blog fanatic, Blogger.

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