What's Film Annex?
Not long ago I said "Film Annex is a new project where we translate blogs for a website", when I realized that these words weren't enough, so I started to think. Yes, Film Annex is a translating project but it should be more than this.
In one of the blogs that I translated said, “Film Annex is a family, a big family". In that moment I knew that this was the idea that I would like to have from Film Annex. And I love this idea, it's not a project, it's my project, now I can say I belong to Film Annex.
My experience is very y short. I can't say I've been here a long time. My first translation was about superheroes, but it wasn't about especial powers that save the world, the best idea of that blog was this: we can be heroes too. And it's not necessary to have x-ray vision, the ability of flying or super strength, it's not necessary to save the world to be a hero, we can make good things for people and save THEIR world, not THE whole world. We can make a difference.
In my life I know people that make a difference in the life of others and mine, and I know that in Film Annex, there are people who want to support and, help me and my mates. That's why we're in this project, and this is a family.
The second blog that I translated, was about an interview of an artist. She also talks about superheroes. She said that she doesn't like comics but she would like to have a hero that can eliminate pollution and things like that, instead of flying across the sky in an impossible dream.
And the last translation I did was about a man who risked his life to save others in the Vietnam War. I think he is an example of a real life hero. He helped people get out of Vietnam, and he save their lives.
Now. What have I learned?
I've learned about true heroes, I can learn about the experiences of other people. By their blogs I can imagine how their lives are on the other side of the world. I can see I'm fortunate because there's not a war in my country, and I don't have to hide because of that. I value my life more than ever.
I've also learnt more English and I have learnt about other cultures. It doesn´t sound like much, but it´s a good start.
That's Film Annex for me, and I hope I can learn more about this project and the people who integrate it. Now I'm writing my own blogs, it seems a wonderful idea. Now I can show people how I feel and how I think. Maybe there's another dreamer in the world like me, who is always searching for a second opinion.