Whats the truth about video games ?

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Whats the truth about video games ?

Recent studies have demonstrated the positive effects on the human brain, as a result of playing video games. The debates are continually growing, and it is now a good chance to analyze both views in order to decide whichever the correct answer is. The fact that discussions go back and forth has even lead President of US Obama in 2013 to ask for more research into this matter.
Most people believe that the negative effects of video games are reliant on the fact that video games encourage violent behavior. This is related to the fact that more than 90% of video games involve content that includes violence. Among the other disadvantages of playing video games we mention that video games can socially isolate children and can cause addiction. Some people think of video games as time-wasters, as a useless activity that causes people, mostly children, to lack on important activities, like doing homework, sports, and social interactions. This comes hand in hand with bad effects on health, like obesity and muscular disorders.

On the other hand, many scientists believe that playing video games can have many benefits. Although the negative effects cannot be ignored, a different approach has been taken on this matter. According to recent studies, violent behavior is more related to the level of frustration after failing to win the game than to the level of violence of the video game. This is an argument for believing that video games have a smaller impact on violent behavior than we thought.
According to psychologist C. Shawn Green from the University of Wisconsin, playing video games has the same impact on children’s brains such as playing the piano or learning to read. He states that the combination of concentration and rewarding determines an increase of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which strengthen neural circuits.
It is believed that video games can develop skills such as: the ability to follow instructions, multitasking, planning, time management, quick thinking, pattern recognition, mapping, memory, concentration, taking risks or perseverance. On these lines, video games can be used as a very powerful and efficient teaching method.

In conclusion, video games might be both bad and good for us, but it is up to us to decide whether or not they have a good influence on our minds and bodies. But don’t forget what the actress Lindsay Lohan say about that and I completly agree with her: ”Play every day to the fullest - in moderation.”


About the author


I am an Electronic Engineer, I have strong skills on program games and doing animations and Im a keyboard music composer too. Im always in the search of the best way to show something new for the audiences and Im living in Brazil so it is an oportunity too, to…

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