Ass was covered in a deep sleep, dreaming that he has become the king of the jungle , while a strong rumor among other animals near the exit of Assad , who is currently working with a group of advisers to choose his successor . Here , advisors faced Assad to choose the " ass " , and before that surprised and disappointed that the election, he was one of them began to convince him that the donkey is the most appropriate because it does not engender much like him and that animals of this forest does not work with only " exponentially Porter " can live with "animals " problems, which does not expire. Assad seemed convinced this view , and soon the rest of the directors , who were taken in inciting the same direction, and that house themselves one thing , is that control in the ass , and then the forest, would be easy, and how much was the joy in them when he is convinced his view Assad , issued a decree appointing his successor ass , and the king of the jungle. Ass woke to the sound of his cell phone, no number appears on the screen, since the connection of a private telephone. Re Mvzuaa ass , if you get the words silently and Insurance astonishment, and then shake himself all aspects of sleepiness at once, and fell beneath the waters of the rain, and took kicking hind legs, to ensure I heard it was a fact, not an upgrade from sleep .. And it has already become the king of the jungle . Immediately , he began to perform the duties of ass in his new position , he took it tells all , ahead of his advisers , who will listen to all points of view , and will be implemented in all the advice that Stsdy , has always been in favor of the jungle, but slowly .. Over the months and years , not only making solo stubborn, and gradually taking " a roar " with all his might , saying . " Only I am the king of the jungle " What happened is not a case of the ass , but only if all the donkey is in charge of an institution in this country, he had no right to it from the beginning, gentle and obedient Kalhmar begins and ends as a rough and reckless lion .. But there is a big difference between the lion and the ass .
When the ass
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