When will the health sector anarchy stop?

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 Anarchy in health sector has been running. Thousands of physicians have appointed on the basic of ‘Adhoc’ system. Among them about 8 hundreds are out of office now. There is no information to the concern authorities about those missing doctors, where they are working. Even the authorities don’t know whether they are working in any place or not. But the doctors are drawing their salaries and bonus in due time. There raises many question centering the role of the health department against the 800 doctors. The role of the health department’s responsibly needs to be investigated. We hope government will take all necessary steps against the missing 800 doctors.

Authorities should find out the address of the missing doctors without delay. We think government will help the health department to find out the doctors. It is very urgent to ensure that the doctors are working in any place or not. News that published in newspaper that, about 800 physicians has been appointed on the basis of adhoc system more than 5 years ago. But they are missing. Health department didn’t know about their working place summoning notice against the doctors. It can be said loudly that the health department is passing a crucial moment now.  This condition bears the disorderly environment of the health department. But the concern authorities failed to found out their address. After coming into power AL government has appointed about 4133 physicians on the basis of adhoc system through two times. There is not sufficient number of doctors in our country.  As a result government appoints the doctors through adhoc system. Government tries to reach the treatment service to the doors of the common people. In this regards the doctors who are appointed through adhoc system can play a vital role in health sector. In order to reaching treatment to the doors of the common people government should appoint more doctors. Question is that the concern authorities didn’t know about the 800 doctors. It is a matter of sorrow. The appointment of adhoc system was started from Ershade government regime. Problem was begun from the period. There are many reasons behind it that the doctors who were appointed through adhoc system their duration were 5-6 years. After their tenure they had to resign from their job. Lack of permanent is the main reason behind this. After passing 4 or 5 years the doctors fell in disappointed thinking about their duration. We think government will take all necessary steps against the doctors. At last the question raised, when will the anarchy be stopped?


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i am simple person

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