When You Have Little Kids

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Having little kids  gives joy and delight at home. If you are a full time mother or a baby sitter, you might know having little kids is not always like that. It takes a lot of energy, patience and understanding.

When I had my son and he was just alone, I was focused on him and taking care of him is bit easy. When I gave birth to his little sister, taking care of them is not as easy when I had only one kid at home. Having 2 little kids at the age of two and four at home, you'll surely can relate with this.

When you got little kids at home:
1. You are a referee  - you know kids will always be kids. They play now, argue later then play again then quarrel. You need to be there to be a referee.

2. A teacher - learning does not start and end at school they say. You have to be the first to teach your kids everything you think what is good for them such as alphabets, numbers etc... and of course good manners and behavior. You must also prepare yourself from answering a lot of weird unexpected questions.

3. Prepare your voice - you'll do a lot of shouting or maybe not but it cannot be avoided.

4. Food problems - Having kids, you are constantly thinking of what food to give them every now and then.

5. You are a play ground - when you are just sitting or lying on bed, they will surely be there and sit, climb or step on you and or insist to make your legs a slide area.

6. You have to be alert always - as a mother, you have to be always on watch whatever they are doing. Kids being always curious and restless, accidents can happen anytime.

7. You are a housekeeper - when you got little kids, you are  expected to do a lot of house works. More and more of unending cleaning and fixing things.  Expect a  ton of laundry every week, they  change clothes 3 to 5 times a day or more other than peed bed covers and blankets.

8. Be a kid - yes prepare to act like a kid and play with them.

9. Prepare your hand - whooping of ass, spanking and punishments cannot be avoided. Just make sure they understand the reason why  they are being punished and not because you are just  angry.

10. And just to make it ten.... You need a lot and lots of energy and patience to do all of these things.


Photo Credit: Photos are mine. Pictures of my son and daughter.

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