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Doctors always advice to patients blood pressure to take special care of themselves. Blood pressure and sugar are the two diseases that are considered to be the silent murderers. They can attack the body and cause serious problems facing at any time no matter it is day or night. These diets are highly recommended for BP patients so they can control the level of their disease as much.

What are the best diets for patients pe?

1. Green Salad and Vegetables:
Salad and green vegetables contain too many nutrients and rich fibers that help control blood pressure. Those who suffer from high blood pressure or low should make salad part of your daily diet.

2. Milk:
The milk is said to be a complete diet. Two glasses of cold or hot milk a day can keep your body fit, active and strong. Blood pressure is one of the diseases that cause internally weak. The milk can provide enough energy and nutrition to stay strong internally.

3. Fish:
Fish s but not good for patients of high blood pressure, but if you eat a small amount of fried fish, once in a while, then not to worry. Fish that provide energy and maintain strong bones.

4. Juices:
Mango juice or orange are also good diets patients blood pressure. A person suffering from some kind of serious illness should have a glass of fresh fruit juice every day.

5. Apple:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This is not a proverb wrong. If we have to act on it, then it can become true. Apple is especially beneficial for patients with high blood pressure. Provides your body with nutrients and energy and keep them healthy and good looking skin. The bread is also a good and easy diet for BP patients.

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