Which films do you prefer? a poll by Mark Kuczewski

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So it’s been a couple of weeks since I released ‘Living with Someone’ which seems to be getting a good response. I want to just go back over the films I have released and get some feedback on which ones people seem to prefer? So I have made a poll via my Facebook WebTV which you can answer here www.facebook.com/questions/545658955496971/?qa_ref=qd

So now the films:

Living with Someone


A short documentary about a girl named Alice who has an imaginary boyfriend.

Alice Grew up with her grandparents and dreams of being a singer, she works as a projectionist in her local cinema. Seems like a fairly normal girl? Well unlike most other girls her age Alice has an imaginary boyfriend named Adam. But how far can her imagination stretch?


When Harry ventures up to the top of a building to jump, the last thing he expects is for Lisa to have the exact same thing in mind. Now they both have a huge decision to make, do they go together? Or not at all?

I’ll Call You Back

Have you ever been so annoyed? Have you ever been trying to watch something on the TV but you can't because something someone is doing just won't let you concentrate. Well that’s exactly what’s happening in the film I'll Call You Back. Now see what happens when that person takes a stand and maybe next time you'll think twice about what you should do!


When Kate hitchhikes a lift with a strange man named Gordon, would she have any idea of the night that lay ahead of her?

Lost Dreams

A child’s imagination is a wonderful thing and Anna's imagination is especially wonderful, dreaming of castles and giant teddy bears. But can anything break down a world created by a little girl?

Ready or Not

What would you do in a deserted London!


So take a look and please let me know what you think


About the author


Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years many of witch are now making their way round the festival circuit. Ready or Not has picked up awards for ‘Best thriller’ and the ‘No Limits Award’ as well as being screened at Eat our…

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