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Compare 2 images - 2 EURO RECEIVE THE DAY.

 We continue to meet our unique business opportunity - Internet projects. In turn it is a German company that deals with consumer market research. The company gives the following conditions, because to deal in them is hard enough, but two words: 

Register today for free - to come out over 90 days, business for home

All you need to do is register with the company and compare some pictures daily. It looks fantastic, but it's true. Stayed to understand why he needs this company, as they pay and for what make money? And yet, the row 

The company is legal - has been verified. Works in 2011. Check out online money - there are plenty of sites payment screen. Images for comparison are meaningful - like the research. Real gain free entry, it can be seen in the video below (it all depends on strategy) !!!


Currency gain in the project going after the company - Mile. They can win by running daily qualification for comparing two images or can be bought as a package store miles. Maintaining balance throughout the growth can be received, an ever-increasing daily income. Main - right to choose your strategy.

MILE - is a unit of the company (as points or bid Links) Our balance is calculated MILE 1 = 1 Euro, we can not remove them or convert them to money, but to their number daily receive dividends (the higher are more MILE - the more is daily gain) and already with these dividends do what we want.

The validity of a MILE = 90 days !!!

After that, they begin to disappear from the balance !! This should be taken into account in retirement to better calculation of current and retirement income in the future.

STILL - even if these MILE disappeared from our balance, we can use during the 12 months that some vouchers in the purchase of merchandise from the store premium it represents the company.


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