Why Eutrophication In water
All living things need nutrients for their survival. All living things there nutrients from different resources, our environment also contains a lot of nutrients for living things.All living things need a maximum amount of nutrients for their survival. If they can uptake more than his requirements, then it creates a problem.
Eutrophication is the excess of nutrients present in the aquatic habitat which comes from different sources. Causes This may cause serious effects on the aquatic plants and animals. And microorganism which is present in the water. Lake, stream which has eutrophication contains a lot of phosphorus and nitrogen content in different forms, like urea, or manure, or in the form of industrial effluent. Effects After heavy rain fall these all pollutants are running away towards lakes, ponds, stream and may cause a longer effect to all aquatic life, and also damaged water body, and causes, typhoid, cholera, diarrhea and other water born disease to the peoples.
It also affects our ground water. Eutrophication decreases the amount of oxygen in the water. Lakes which are located near the industrial area or the vegetative are are highly affected, like Singapore, Water channels near factories.