Time has come to grow up and own your evil - enough is enough. It is going on for 1460 years. Kerbala was not planned by Mossad and Yazid was not a CIA agent neither Hajjaj Ben Yusuf a Raw agent.
Poor logic - the exact kind of bankruptcy that ' this happened because that had happened ' and ' everyone is against us '
Who attacked Peshawar ? Our own brethren. We as a nation were divided - many were even suggesting that time ' they are innocent victims we need to have their offices and talk to them.' FB DP Filters were not yet popular by the way otherwise that was the occasion they would have definitely appeared. Our kids were killed by our own - checking their puberty referring to Hadith, who can make a DP with this kind of mentally deranged familial killers ? Those we are still not ready to expunge as Khwarijis.
You know why the world stands with Paris because ' bloodthirsty evil ideologues killed young people by shouting Allah o Akbar. '
Who is killing the Syrians ? It is the worst Internecine wars of Islam - the curse of kufa - which flag they should project in Syria the one of the opposition or the Allawites?
Iraq - Saddam Iraq had a flag and a Iraq has a flag. A minority Saddam ruled ruthlessly over majority Shiites. For 20 years, the war never stopped under Saddam - first with Iran then with Kuwait and later in the marshlands to eradicate Shitte dissent. Which flag FB DP filter should have been projected assumingly if there was one.
Finally once the Shittes were freed Maliki ruled with ironclad and beat the hell out of Sunni North to settle old revenge against Tikritis. Again internecine wars of Islam.
Afghan war was initiated by USSR after their defeat Taliban Hikmatyar and Ahmad Shah Masood destroyed Kabul ? Whose fault was that? Internecine wars of Islam.
Fast forward Mullah Omar had a clear choice to hand over OBL - who told him not to - it was Mehmood and Samiul Haq - they refused - rest is history. His intransigence destroyed Afpak. Whose flag FB should have been Dp filtered ?
Palestinians Hamas and Arafat group fought each other like Hyenas over West Bank - killing every Arafat soldier. Whose flag should have been projected ?
The last war Hamas started with killing of three Israeli soldiers; Egyptians had a settlement on the table the third day - yet after firing 10000 poop missiles that did not work - and using their schools and mosques as missile launching pads and facilities - getting their civilians destroyed mercilessly with leadership sitting in Doha - Hamas signed after 56 days much worst deal than what was available on the third day.
Let's not create poor moral equivalence in face of such a massive tragedy.
Paris was attacked in the name of political Islamic Ideology by a self declared Islamic illegitimate state that is at war with nearly everyone.
Paris is not a war zone - it is not a part of internecine wars of Islam and it needs absolutely no vengeful attacks. DP filters are natural result of hate people have for these monsters and continuing internecine disputes of political Islam that everyone seems to forget that at the first place they started it.
Why can't you accept that we are tearing each other apart there is no one else out there - come out of your evil self created delusion.
Why FB prepared DP's of Paris but not Syria Iraq Afpak Peshawar and Palestine - western imperialism at its worst ..
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