Winners of success is perseverance

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Winners of success is perseverance

The only reason people do not succeed in life and needs to lose its desired outcomes that. Much more of this kind of work should be put aside and carry your everyday life. So that their lives can have a scheme, you ever hear in your life to achieve your goals to achieve high. This is a very important word that you were facing defeat humans think they are not capable of the same work which failed to work to disperse the other. But it is wrong to think they need to reach their target block and a commitment to complete unfinished work.




The successful person must have perseverance because without any doubt the most important constituents of the emergence and persistence are the quality of life. I am convinced that life is a test of perseverance commitment .the biggest bonus for those who are always trying to catch your target are infinite, without any interruption





The decisions of the mountains that rise from the place of human effort that must be sustained and pursuing, in the world are those who see the invisible can do the conversion.

But there are those who fear the way they are flowing again will not want to reach that goal, May be on the right track but not persistence, the result of the work that they failed to give it up. Always remember that whatever you try to achieve their perseverance as you get closer to success.

 So never forget that the only way to progress and success in your life is perseverance.



Writer: Anoosh barakzai

About the author


his name is Anoosh barakzai he is 23 years old. he was born in nimrooz Province. he Graduate from school in 2010 he is working in film annex.

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