Wise people 'CHOOSE':Fool people eat that has already 'CHOSEN'

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You know,In this world there are always two things there(till one final day...)Light and dark,good and bad,blabla...

The two great categories that I want to say something is about Wise/Fool students..Are you there??nice(sorry,I have seen some one sleeping over there...attention please!)Let's see the two in simple MATHS form...

Teacher: What is your favourite mathematical theory or calculation?

Fool student: 1+1=1

Teacher:You are wrong,Did I teach you this ???


Teacher:where and when?


F.S:'last year,I was late and I knocked the door.You came and said'You idiot!I told you not to be late...you know you are like the form 1+1=1,because your mother and father got you but you had nothing new...just 1 but other students are...1+1=2,3,4,5,6....UNDERSTAND!'and I said to you yes,YES!!!


About the author


I am Hailemichael yihun,25, from Ethiopia.I have studied primary and secondary education in Ethiopian schools.Then I have joined local university in Ethiopia studying Civil engineering and now I am a graduated civil Engineer.I am a prolific writer,student and blogger.

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