Wish I Could be Electric Proof

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This really hurts a bit. It's like I've been electric grounded by plugging appliances in the wall socket for like hundred times. Everytime I plug a wire to wall sockets I always feel being nervous. I think I'm traumatized by the surges of low electric bolts from the wires. I already told this to my mom, she instructed me to keep my hands dry or use a cloth to grab the wire before plugging it in the wall sockets. That works most of time. I just don't understand a while ago why I've been grounded again. My right hand is kinda wet because I just drink cold water from the fridge so I had to use my left hand which is dry but to my shocked I'm still hit by the electric ground. Well, lesson learned.

About the author


I simply love hanging out over the internet discovering new stuff and meeting new friends!

Instagram: @rhanzferrer
Twitter: @ranzferrer

https://friendiary.wordpress.com If you're free please visit my blog. Though I stopped writing for like 5 months. I will find time to update it. :)

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