Woman and Iron Deficiency

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I am iron deficient and I know I feel it when I do not properly take care of my body. 


- hair loss
- exhaustion
- heavy periods
- pale skin
- anxious
- frequent shortage of breath
- heart feels like it`s pounding
- crave ice (to chew on)
- restless leg syndrome
- head hurts

Make sure you Always get your vitamins and minerals in your daily diet!

Proper dosage of iron for Woman
 Women ages of 19 and 50 typically - 18 mg per day. 
 Pregnant woman -  27 mg per day. ( If you're breastfeeding, just 9 mg per day)
 Older than 50  -  8 mg per day.

Other Information

If by chance you are a Vegan or Vegetarian you can still get enough iron with careful meal planning. Dark leafy greens, whole grains, and legumes are all rich in iron. Pair those with something rich in Vitamin C. 

Iron deficiency can send your heart racing, it's easy to feel like you're in fight-or-flight mode even when you have every reason to feel relaxed.

Your period should only fill two to three tablespoons each month. Try the tampon test: If you have to change your tampon more frequently than every two hours, talk to your gyno. (love this tip)

Iron deficiency causes less oxygen to reach your tissues, so your body is deprived of the energy it needs. It couples itself with you feeling weak, irritable, or unable to focus - Do Not just dismiss being tired as part of life

Iron is critical for producing hemoglobin, a protein that helps red blood cells deliver oxygen throughout your body. So without it, everything suffers.


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