Women absence results in a half-paralyzed society

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It was too early for me as a young boy to realize why Afghanistan should be called war-torn, misfortune, backward and many other disapproving qualities which never let me feel pleased. As I gradually grew up, I simultaneously noticed the sectional prejudice between men and women in Afghan society which I call that The Big Gap. Having a society without the active role of women is more likely resembling a human who has got one instead of two of any of his/her pair organs. The body of such human surly never functions properly. Afghan society seemed to suffer from such abnormal formations which most of them are still making women suffer. Getting rid of this crisis isn’t easy. It isn’t impossible either. Afghanistan is a developing country as well as an Islamic country. Considering the two mentioned qualities (Developing, Islamic) of Afghan society, we should pave the way for women to reach their rights, have achievements and have their effect. They are surely capable of making changes and creating hopes in the society.

Islam has never limited or ignored women role in society. Islam has never ordered men to always keep their wives at home for doing housework. The holy Quran and the history of Islam is the main evidence of what Islam thinks about women. The first wife of the Prophet of Islam was a trader. She had active role in the society and had many men working for her. We can say that she was not only a trader but she also was a leader and a manager who had control over her business, staff and her housework. Actually, practicing the equity which is now a dream for Afghan women, used to be founded somehow in Islam about 14 centuries ago. Therefore, it’s not fair to consider Islam a barrier for having a healthy society, but it isn’t practical to ignore Islam in having an active-men-women based society particularly about the Islamic society of Afghanistan. Those who believe Islam is opposite to women activity and their prominent presence in society are considered enemies of Islam who declare something without having real information about the inner of Islam. Islam considers woman as a person; who is saving and increasing the human generation, who is a great teacher in raising children, who is a successful manager including of a small society called family to all aspects of a social society, who is a prominent supporter for the man, who is a great part of every other thing in a society. Covering (the way Islam orders) which is somehow considered a limitation for Afghan women by some socialists is totally opposite of what they call limitation. Islam wants to maintain the real freedom for women. Were the covering ignored in Afghanistan, women would be mostly used for pleasure and that’s discrediting the values of women. However, covering is a great score given to women in Islam and it doesn’t mean being inactive but it is surly a safe way for women to be shown in the society by their works and effects.

Since Afghanistan is a developing country, it’s important to utilize of any sources for the development. Undoubtedly, a human source is the most significant one. If women don’t take part in developing, the process soon will be stopped or challenged. To set our goals for a prosperous Afghanistan both men and women should be familiar to their rights and respect each other right. Women are expected in Afghanistan to understand their position, rights and abilities and of course importance. This is possible when the social foundations and international societies maximize their focus on Afghan women and pave them the path for promotion and activity. Having an Afghanistan without a big sectional gap but with a logical equity both for men and women isn’t impossible but it is achievable provided raising the awareness of people about their rights. Wish Afghanistan to be treated of the disease called half-paralyzed and be in a balanced equity of men and women.

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