Women Activists

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I think it's great that women have goals in their lives. Women should have the right to achieve goals, and pursue dreams. It is however wrong to make a house wife feel bad for being a stay at home mom. Women activists are busy telling other women to get a job while they themselves have probably never worked a day in their lives. You won't see a woman activist shingling a house because they are too prideful, where as the modest woman really has no problem giving a helping hand in the toughest jobs. I've seen women do hard work with no push from any activist. I have never seen a woman activist setting an example by climbing down man holes, climbing ladders, or hanging off sky scrapers. The only time I've seen a woman activist in action is when she is sitting comfy in front of TV cameras, or walking down the street holding a sign protesting something. I say "be the change you want to see" as quoted by some guy. Stop telling women how to live their lives. If they want to be a stay at home mom then let them be, if they want to go out and work and go to school then let them do that too. I hear on the media so many times that there aren't enough women in politics. What does that mean exactly? So men are more likely to take an interest in politics. It is also known that men like sports more then the average woman. I think that woman activists need to stop attacking their own gender. It's almost like they are saying that a woman isn't good enough of a person if the woman wants to be at home with the kids, or at home cleaning, or cooking supper while the she might want that kind of life style. It is what a feminist would call old fashioned, but old fashioned is needed at times. It all depends on the person you are. If you don't want to be a stay at home mom, then you made that decision and you shouldn't feel bad about that decision, and if you want to be a stay at home mom then you made that decision and you shouldn't feel bad about that decision.

When women really started to get into the workplace in our society it changed a lot of things in our society. Grocery stores could charge more cause they knew the average family was making more, life became more hectic as babysitters were needed, more cars were needed, you have to buy more gas, and children and families had to miss out on a lot of home cooked meals. It's great to see women thrive in life, I think it's wonderful. They bring great ideas and great skills to the table. This was originally a great idea for families to get ahead in life with an extra income, but because big corporations capitalized on this we are now in a society where the average income house hold is trapped because the average income house hold can barely survive with only one person working. Now we live in a society where if a woman's desire is to be a house wife and stay at home with the kids during the day (which is probably one of the hardest jobs around) they don't have that option anymore if they only have the average house hold income.

In conclusion I just want to say that women are a great blessing in society, and they are some of the strongest people around no matter what role they play in our society.

About the author


Grew up in small town Saskatchewan. Not much else to say here.

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