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WOMEN RIGHTS IN PAKISTAN........................................................                                                In pakistan the womens access t property education employment etc remains considerably lower compared to men.the social andcultural context of pakistan society is predominantly partriarchal.women have alow percentage of in society outside of the family.despite the improvement in pakistan literacy rate since its independenc the educational status of pakistani women is among the lowest in the world.the literacy rate for urban women is more than five times the rate for rural women.the school dropout rate among girls is very high the educational achievements of female students are higher as compared with male students at different levels of education.women in pakistan continue to be overworked underpaid unemployed and under represented in most spheres of national activity.they aer also less likely to receive skills especially in the rural arease.Around 90/of the pakistani households are headed by men and most female headed households beoong to the poor strta of thesociety.women lack ownership of productive resources.despite womens ligal rights to own and inherit property fromtheir families there are very few women who have access and control over these resources.wOMENS rights refer to freedoms and entitlements of women and girls of all ages.there rights meay or may not be institutionalized ignored or suppressed by law local custom and behavior in a particular society.

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