Women Web TV

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There are some famous of web TV production companies  like

  • Next New

  • Networks,

  • Vuguru,

  • Revision3

and so on  and also we have major distributor  web TV like

 But today I would like to talk about our Women Web TV that’s use the FilmAnnex technology. 

As I am excited about the new Film Annex system but even more about the Women’s Annex channel.  FilmAnnex and Citadel of NYC started it as a project but it had grown enough to be its own entity and create its own community of women.  This is a great opportunity for us to gather women from Central Asia with the aim to expend it to the Middle East and Africa so they can share their thoughts, culture, languages, traditions, and so on.

The Women’s Annex Web TV will help women connect and also financially support female filmmakers and bloggers to make money online.  It helps empower women and children of Middle Eastern countries with a “Pay for content “model where filmmakers and bloggers get paid based on their Buzz (performance) Score. It has Vaerity of topics about in economics, social, health, politics, religion, business and education for women.

The difference between Women’s Annex and other Web TVs is that it has content produced by users and female filmmakers from different countries, which will be broadcast worldwide. The content will include articles and films in different topics such as Education, Business, News, Storytelling, Entertainment, Fashion, etc. We are also hoping to receive free license movies from different distribution companies.

Film Annex includes movies from both their users and distribution companies. Women’s Annex has a platform for bloggers who share their ideas and promote their blogs on different social media networks.

Women’s Annex will be the voice for all women in the Middle East and Africa, and online platform to communicate with each others.  To connect female and children to the Internet in developing countries like Afghanistan, we decided to establish the Women’s Annex foundation, a non-profit organization to grow and build access to the Internet through IT centers and provide training. So far, we have been able to establish 12 IT centers, 10 of them being established in schools to connect more than 40,000 children to the World Wide Web. We also created two Internet Media Centers for independent journalists, filmmakers and bloggers.  The foundation is also support sports for male and female soccer team too.

 With the power of social media, we can provide several informative programs targeting women/girls that will be broadcast worldwide.

It is funded thanks to profits generated by Film Annex and Women’s Annex. The proceeds are donated to the empowerment of women and the education of children in the Middle East and Africa. 

About the author


Roya Mahboob is the founder and CEO of the Afghan Citadel Software Company (ACSC). After receiving her Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from Herat University, Mahboob went on to get her MBA in IT (Information Technology) in Malaysia. Mahboob worked as the IT Coordinator at Herat University from…

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