Women's education in Afghanistan

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Women make up half the population or community bodies that in different times in different countries, and particularly in Afghanistan Faced with various problems.

Afghan women after the Taliban behind the dark period that was a bad time for women and now they are in a relatively good position to teach and study.

It is time that women can head out without fear of their homes and the community began to study alongside men.

This progress can be seen when the last period considered at the time of the Thirty Years War, the girls cant educated in schools and customs reasons, incorrect at the time of the Taliban, women could not teach in school and continue their education.

1391 is the year we have half the number of students in schools are girls.

 Despite much progress in most areas of the country, girls' can’t follow their education.

Factors that impede girls' education in Afghanistan are insecurity, discrimination between boys and girls in the family and the lack of schools for girls.

Girls are out of their homes because of the lack of security for this case they can’t go to school.

Other factors could be discrimination between girls and boys in the family Cite send a girl to school for the reason that they know their shame.

However, girls like boys every day go to school to teach different science and insufficient space in Afghanistan their stats are added every day.

Increase its capacity for learning and school officials have the girls How to create the security conditions conducive to girls and boys.

Religious factors also need to promote the rights of girls.

Hope for that day.

About the author


my name is dawood my last name is kazemi I study Journalism faculty in Herat University and also i work in Taraqi Tv In Herat.

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