"Me and my sister is arguing yesterday. She keeps on insisting that she'll buy another pair of shoes. I got mad at her because of her nonsense reason for buying a new shoes. She said her other shoes doesn't look good with her pants for their PE class presentation. She got like more than 6 or up to 8 pair of shoes and sometimes I just see it around her room. As a brother I'm trying to convince her not to buy anymore. For me, it's much better to save money. Well, that's just like a 3 minute presentation and your professor will not even give a care for that shoes, I keep on telling that to her though she just won't listen. Ugh! Girls are girls, I just can't understand them."
-This article is taken in my blog in Bubblews. And as teenage guy, I also love shoes but not to the point I'm reaching the level of my sister. Most of the girls I know, my friends and even my mom are always like this. I just can understand their passion and craze about this shoes. LOL
Any guys who had the same experience with their girlfriends? Or any girls who would like to stand up and defend and explain? Hahaha