Work at night, sleep during the day?

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Who engage in professional or regular work night shift and was able to sleep sleep all day, their metabolism or chemical change in the body of the living elements of the process was slow. They say the body is low caloric cost of obesity can read. A study of a group of scientists at the University of Colorado said yuktarastrera. A report has been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers continue to look to see about 14 volunteers, with their body to start working night shift can significantly reduce the rate of burning calories.

Less sleep increases the risk of colon and breast cancer |
There are long-term association between insomnia and obesity |
Short-day problems such as insomnia, insomnia who were standing quietly go forward, they bowed to the asbasthyakarao high-calorie diet |
About 741 men and women of the study, those 10 to 14 years less a day, 6 hours sleep-they are at increased risk of death |
A brief study on 15 people, just one night of sleep as a result of the loss of brain tissue |
4-fold increased risk of bleeding in the brain |
Increases the risk of obesity |
Increases the risk of several types of cancer |
Increases the risk of diabetes |
Jhumkibare heart disease |
Decreased sperm |
Increases the risk of death |

Increases appetite |
The risk of accidents
You do not like to see |
May take the cold |
Brain is tisyuksaya |
Likely to become mushy |
Attention to the problem of reducing and forgotten |

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