Work Experience Overview

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Hey Guys,

Just thought I would tell you about the whole Work Experience.

So the place I got a lot of Experience from is Unique Media production. I have done several days with Unique.


BCB Exhibition

The British Ceramics Exhibition was the first project I completed as Sound Op, This is where we had to interview the organisers of the project, and also film the opening VIP night. Which was brilliant to see all these dances, pottery, and lots of other shots etc. This was great fun to talk to people who made these awesome works of art with pottery. This project lasted One Day (well you could say night) 

Not So Strictly Come Dancing

NSSCD was the second project I did with Unique. I was Camera Op/ Sound Op depending on what people were on shoot with me. This consisted of filming dancers rehersing for a big show in a few months time. This was at a dance studio in longton Stoke-On-rent. The organisation was a fairly big company so they paid for all of the travel to and from the studios as it was several week days and night, and also several weekends on a saturday. 

I mainly did saturdays which was a full day of shooting several rehearsals straight after each other. I also did many week days where we filmed one or two rehearsals. I was also responsible for getting footage to the editors so they could begin the big edit ready to be shown on the final  night. Overall I did several days (approx 7 Days) 

This is also where I was offered the use of the dance/ actors school if I needed to find any actors as they have a huge age of people who attend the school.

About the author


I am 19 years old and currently at staffordshire University where I study Media(Film)Production. I studied Film at college for two years where i gained many experiences. I enjoy many roles in the film industry, But I hope to have a career as a Producer, Gaffer, Sound or Camera. While…

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