Workers In Afghnistan

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Workman class is as a social estate generated of wealth production method" that its formation relates to relations, institutions appearance and starting of capitalist relations in ventricle of feudalize social

Afghanistan is a country 75 up to 80% mountain, 20 up to 25 % agricultural with relieve of yielded and un yielded , surge seas, intact mines , workingman and liberal people full of promotion and developments gadgets

But now Afghanistan with this weak government became as military and spy base, and poverty, insecurity, commanded wars, exhausting of people and blocs, formation of mafia bands, expansion of drug trafficking, social and estate inequality, violence and force against women, increase of children mortality in workmen families, specializing of governmental ownerships, public possessions, un employing of people from their jobs, exclusion of workmen from their rights, change of professional workers to day wage grubs and abject and insult of our suffered people are from traits and outcomes of this government

Workmen position in Afghanistan is similar to another countries that still wealth relations do not grow cause of internal and external reasons and feudal and semi feudal production methods are dominant in them

The workmen do not enjoy from little social and political rights whereas do the hardest works. They are not able to secure the least adequate livelihood for themselves and their families because poverty and poorness are in a bad position. Large cities of our country are full workless workers and prostrate workingmen that aggregate in special places of city to find a work, but most of them go back to their home grayness without finding work after half a day waiting

And there people who become success to find work just many days or may weeks.

Workmen suffering is not doing job in difference seasons of years that do hard works under hot sun of summer or horrible coldness of winter but they are faced with wistful faces of their children and family are waiting every day that their father bring something home

Our workman is faced with his children who are hungry, don't have food to eat, do not have suit cloths to wear in coldness of winter and don't have adequate fuel to warm their houses in winter

Explanation of this painful reality images the fact of sufferer life and bad position of Afghanistan workmen and it's an anecdotal of pain and suffers of large mass of our country people that live under line of poverty


About the author


Qudsia Haidari is a 5th year student of Herat Medical University,she is originally afghan. she is 21 years old and she was born in Iran on 1992/5/24. Haidari worked as an English teacher for five years. her interests are studying medical text books, speaking English and translating English books. her…

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