Writing our feelings and emotions always make us feel better in life

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It is always good to write personal articles and something writers write more personal articles. We feel better when we express our emotions and feelings. We all wanted others to know about us and our personality and writing always help us to get closer with others to know and also to make others know about us.

I am inspired by our CEOs article about expressing ourselves and communicating to others and this provide a therapeutic feeling inside us. I also think that it do certainly provide therapeutic feeling and one of the things that I have noticed is that most times when we write something that is in our mind in a piece of paper we feels better.

One of the things that the psychologists tells people is to write down their feelings including anger, hate ,depression, and negative feelings as well as the happiness and other positive feelings and when we write down our feelings we most times will notice a change in our feelings. Most times when we write it in paper we feels better and Bubblews provides us a platform always to feel ourselves better by writing our feelings and emotions.

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