Xcorps Action Sports TV Presents Robin Williams on Planet X

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Xcorps Action Sports TV Presents Robin Williams on Planet X – This Xcorps special presentation features legendary actor comedian Robin Williams at the finish of the 1997 Malibu Triathlon which was his first Triathlon involving a half mile ocean swim followed by a 18 mile bicycle race finishing with a 4 mile running course!

Hosted by Planet X Bret Johnson and Competitor Magazine Bob Babbitt check out what Robin thinks about the race and many things!

Most do not know Robins love of Triathlon racing and all the great things he did for challenged athletes.

A JSE FiLm TRT-5:04 8/2014

Produced by Planet X TV 1997 Don Durban and Meredythe Winters

Xcorps TV Presents Robin Williams on Planet X


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Join The Xcorps! The Xcorps is a WORLD journalistic broadcast TV show with action sports and music news. The show was created by Stuart Edmondson in August of 2001. The fast action guerrilla TV production is based in San Diego California and currently airs worldwide on broadcast, cable and satellite…

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