Yeng Live in Cebu

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The photo above shows the stage where Yeng Constantino performed yesterday at Cebu Coliseum. This has been delayed as it was supposed to be on November 2013 but certain things happened and that it was instead postponed.

I had noted the date and my boyfriend and i went to that certain place yesterday.  We were an hour early to get better seats although we had a VIP gold ticket. However, we didn't get front seats because there were more people who went earlier than us, we blame ourselves for roaming around Elizabeth Mall for an hour as well.

We both had a great night, Yeng is just amazing, full of emotions in singing and she is totally cute!

Here's the stage view after turning the lights off but not yet completely.

And here's the view after turning the lights completely off from the audience area:

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♥ saved by grace ♥

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