You got me…
When you look into my eyes,
It’s like no one’s ever looked at me that way before.
I see myself in your eyes, and it's as if a little part of me stays there.
You got me…
When I'm alone and miss the way you fill the empty spaces between my fingers.
Anyone else could fill those spaces, but with your hands locked into mine it seems to fit perfectly.
You got me…
When you make me laugh hysterically when you say something corny or stupid
Or when I become stupid when I’m trying to sound smart.
Foolish as I am, it feels as if being with you is the smartest decision I have ever made.
You got me…
When you touch my chin and make me feel special
I know I am strong but with one touch, you crush my defenses
Vulnerability is not one of the traits I have that I am proud of but it’s the perfect word to describe how I am when I’m with you.
You got me…
When I can’t seem to get the goofy faces you make out of my head
How one wink or a smile can brighten up the worst of days
Just when I’m about to give up when I see you I change my mind and just give in.
You got me…
When I hear you call my name
My name’s not unique but when you say it, it becomes exquisite
Like your voice is as soft and as gentle as the breeze and my name is as calm as sound of the wind
You got me…
When you watch me
You’re quiet, you’re calm and not saying anything. You just... look.
In those moments, words are just not important.
You got me…
When you steal a kiss when I’m not looking.
I want to freeze that moment and keep a picture of it in my head
So, I could go back to that moment over and over and over again
When all of these things aren’t enough to express how happy I am for the chance to be wanted and had.
As romantic as all these may seem, one thing is missing…
You got me…
but I don’t have you.
You just got me
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