You Wouldn’t Believe The Youngest Woman To Give Birth Was Only 5 Years Old

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The youngest woman to ever become pregnant and give birth was only 5 years old.

Lina Medina was born on September 27, 1933 in Ticrapo, Peru. At age 5, her mother, Victoria, brought her to a hospital for the reason that her stomach was growing in size.

At first, her parents thought Lina was possessed by evil spirits, but upon examining by Dr. Geraldo Lozada, he found out that she was approximately 8 months pregnant.

A month and a half after her diagnosis, on May 14, 1939, Lina gave birth via caesarian section to a baby boy.

youngest woman to give birth Lina Medina

Most girls begin showing signs of puberty around 10 years old, whereas the majority of boys tend to go through puberty starting around the age of 11-12.

However, Lina’s not like most girls as she was able to become pregnant at such a young age due to a rarecondition known as precocious puberty, basically, an early start of sexual development.

People with precocious puberty tend to begin puberty around the age 7. Shockingly, according to her mother, Lina, on the other hand, began having menstrual cycles at age 2 ½ and her breasts were developed by age 4.

Furthermore, when the doctors examined her at age 5, she was found to already have fully mature sexual organs.

Lina Medina’s son, Gerardo, was named after Lina’s doctor and grew up believing that his mother was his sister. It wasn’t until the age of 10 that he found out who his mother really was.

He died in 1979 at 40 years old of a bone marrow disease, but Lina never revealed the father of the child, nor the circumstances of her impregnation.

Meanwhile, according to a 1955 article reviewing the case, done by Luis Leon of the Associated Press, “Some pointed out there were frequent festivities celebrated by Indians in Andean villages, like the one where Lina was born. These often ended up in parties in which rape was not uncommon.”

While this is hardly something one would want to hold the record for, for a so many reasons, it would seem that Lina, the world’s youngest mother, is unlikely to lose this record any time soon.

Thus, for now, the current record for youngest woman to give birth is 5 years, 7 months, and 17 days, in other words, she was probably impregnated a month or two before her fifth birthday.

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