1st sculpture symposium in plasterboard

Uploaded on Monday 9 January 2012


The First Plasterboard Symposium of Sculpture happened in Oporto and it depicts the work ideology of a portuguese artists group and the questions they raise regarding the policies often seen in other Symposiums of Sculpture and their partnerships with privates and public institutions.

This video is a work by, Ana Pinto, José Peneda and José Simões. A documentary about the first sculpture symposium in plasterboard. Bonfim, Porto, 2010.

O video documentário é o registo do 1º Simpósio de Escultura em Gesso Cartonado, realizado na freguesia do Bonfim, Porto, Portugal, entre Janeiro e Março de 2010.


Language: Portuguese

Length: 40'01''

Country: Portugal

Creative Commons License

1st sculpture symposium in plasterboard by jose simoes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 License.